
I have a question about binary. The ASCII states that the integer value for 'A'=48, but the binary code for A is 0100 0001, which if i did this correctly is 64. So shouldn't the integer value for A be 64? If someone could clear this up for me, it would help me a lot.
Where do you get that 'A' = 48???
48 = '0'
65 = 'A'

And actually, 0100 0001 = 65.
Ughh that cleared up a lot of confusion. Regarding A=48, some dude on yahoo answer said that. So what exactly is binary? Is it like the core of technology? By core i mean if you were to strip say a phone, all you would see is 0s and 1s? And these 0s and 1s are what allows the phone to perform all its actions and they also represent numbers, characters, letters right? Just want to get this straight.
Binary is the mathematical representation of the state of bi-stable circuits in any digital device. I do not have the time to type out an entire explanation of how a computer works, but I have attached some useful links.
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