Not working

hello guys i am a begginner at this and i need help with the "#endif"
when my complier compiles it it says this:
"#endif without #if"
NOTE: im talking about the sourcecode downloads in this page almost all of them use it, im using dev-C++ (or whatever it is)

Another question: why does the window of an .exe file always close down? i know theres a post about this but its not much understandable can someone give me the easiest way?
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1. You probably need an #if somewhere. Posting the source code would be helpful.
2. The easiest way that I know of (without opening myself up to a ball-busting from duoas(I hope)) is:
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1) or you can use $ifndef, #ifdef, (if not defined, if defined).

2) I believe the standard rec on the forums is something like cin.ignore(std::numeric.....) like that. If you look around on the newbie threads on these fora, there should be a discussion on it.

But whatever you do, do NOT use system("pause");
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