Hi I'm new to C language programming. I was writing this program but I always keep facing this problem "Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'x' is being used without being initialized”. Can anyone please help me?
Here’s my program:
int main(void)
double chicago[MONTH];
double sanfran[MONTH];
//Declare and iniialize variables.
int dates;
int k;
int h;
int l;
int numofDays = 31;
double totalchicago;
double totalsanfran;
double avgchicagotemp;
double avgsanfrantemp;
double maxchicago = -999;
double minsanfran = 999;
FILE *weatherdata;
FILE *moreweatherdata;
//Check to make sure file opened properly.
if (weatherdata == NULL)
printf("Error opening input file. Redefine directory location. \n");
//This while loop reads in the data.
fopen_s(&weatherdata, "weathers.txt", "r");
while(fscanf_s(weatherdata,"%lf %lf", &chicago[dates], &sanfran[dates])==2)
//This for loop calculates the total of the temperatures in Chicago and San Francisco during August 2009; the averages are calculated outside the loop
for(dates=0; dates<numofDays; dates++)
totalchicago += chicago[dates];
totalsanfran += sanfran[dates];
//This for loop calculates the days that San Francisco had a higher temperature than Chicago
for(dates = 0; dates<numofDays; dates++)
k = dates;
//This for loop calculates the highest temperature in Chicago, and the day in which it happened.
for(dates = 0; dates<numofDays; dates++)
if(chicago[dates] > maxchicago)
maxchicago = chicago[dates];
h = dates;
//This for loop calculates the lowest temperature in San Francisco, and the day in which it happened.
for(dates=0; dates<numofDays; dates++)
if(sanfran[dates] < minsanfran)
minsanfran = sanfran[dates];
l = dates;
//Opens new file
fopen_s(&moreweatherdata, "weatherdata2.txt", "w");
//Print summary information
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "Highest temperature (Fahrenheit) in Chicago during August: %.2lf\n", maxchicago);
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "This happened on August %d\n", h);
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "Average temperature (Fahrenheit) in Chicago during August: %.2lf\n", avgchicagotemp);
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "Average temperature (Fahrenheit) in San Francisco during August: %.2lf\n", avgsanfrantemp);
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "San Francisco had a higher temperature than Chicago on August %d\n", k);
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "Lowest temperature (Fahrenheit) in San Francisco during August: %.2lf\n", minsanfran);
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "This happened on August %d\n", l);
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "Highest temperature (Fahrenheit) in Chicago during August: %.2lf\n", maxchicago);
fprintf(moreweatherdata, "This happened on August %d\n", h);
//Close file and exit progam
Thanks for pointing that out! I now understand why it kept giving me that error. Also, in the part where I have to calculate the days in which San Francisco had a higher temperature, I wanted to print all the temperatures, but it only gives me one date. I'm kind of confused in this part too. Can anyone point out what I should do?
//This for loop calculates the days that San Francisco had a higher temperature than Chicago
for(dates = 0; dates<numofDays; dates++)
k = dates;