Hello, I've been learning C++ for about a month now, the most I know is up to the ideas of the "if statement" (testing equations and values for true or false) and I was just curious, and maybe I'm just not thinking outside the box enough, but at what point do we leave the "console" or the box in which answers are displayed and so forth. I suppose what I'm asking is that if let's say I wanted to create a program as simple as a database to store documents and/or files, would this database need to be set inside the console? More than likely I'm just too new to the idea of programming to open my mind up to the possibilities of what can be created and what can't. But I'm looking at programs such as well, iFile in Cydia, and such. These apps/programs are not centered in the console, is it possible to have this process explained to me? Is it that the code is combined with an API? Also does anyone know of any classes that can be taken in either programming in general (any language) or c++ in specific?
If you have only been programming for only a month and only know up to if statements you are far from leaving the console days. I've been programming probably for about 5 months and I am not even close to being able to leave the console. Building a database is harder than you think, it may seem simple but you have to load files from all over the computer and read/write the files. But for your question you could use the console it would just be a little harder to tell what directory you are in and what not, if you want to create a database it would be easier to understand the actual program with a GUI. I would suggest learning on your own then you can work at your own pace, there are numerous great eBooks and physical books out there. You could create a calculator, or some random program that has no actual use but to help what you have learned
I've been programming for about a month or so too, I know if statements along with switches and arrays. For the last couple days I've been just writing programs only using what I know so far so I can get the hang of them then move up the ladder.
I have no clue how to answer your question with the console but if you want some great exercises that will help you learn quicker (imo) heres a link