1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
#include "stdafx.h" // Only for Microsoft Visual C++
#include <iostream> // needed for cin and cout
#include <cstdlib> // needed by srand() and srand()
#include <ctime> // needed for the time() function
using namespace std;
// function prototypes
void DisplayTicTacToe(char board[3][3]);
char CheckForWinningGame(char board[3][3]);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char board[3][3] = { // index for positions in the array
{'1', '2', '3'}, // [0][0] [0][1] [0][2]
{'4', '5', '6'}, // [1][0] [1][1] [1][2]
{'7', '8', '9'} // [2][0] [2][1] [2][2]
int squareCounter = 0; // count how many squares are used
char gameWinner = '-'; // winner of the game ('X' or 'O')
char inputCharacter; // input from the user (should be '1' to '9')
int choice; // input converted to integer 0 to 8 (start from 0)
char player; // current player, set to either an 'X' or an 'O'
// select the starting player
srand(time(NULL)); // seed the random number generator
if ( rand() % 2 == 1)
player = 'X';
player = 'O';
// starting instructions
cout << "Enter a 1 though 9 to select a square." << endl;
// Ask for a 1-9 until all squares are filled or the game has been won
while (squareCounter < 9 && gameWinner != 'X' && gameWinner != 'O')
cout << "Player " << player << ", enter a number (1-9): ";
cin >> inputCharacter;
// Arrays start counting from index 0
// convert inputCharacter from ASCII ('1' to '9') to integer (0 to 8)
// to select the row and column index for the 3x3 array
choice = inputCharacter - '1'; // now the inputs are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
int row = choice / 3; // row will be 0 (for 0,1,2), 1 (for 3,4,5), 2 for (6,7,8)
int col = choice % 3; // col will be 0 (for 0,3,6), 1 (for 1,4,7), 2 for (2,5,8)
if (choice < 0 || choice > 8) // see if the input is below 1 or greater than 0
cout << "Illegal value, try again" << endl;
else if (board[row][col]=='X' || board[row][col]=='O')
cout << "This space has already been used, try again" << endl;
board[row][col] = player; // put in an 'X' or an 'O'
squareCounter++; // count the number of squares completed
// select the next player
if (player=='X')
player = 'O'; // switch from 'X' to 'O' for next move
player = 'X'; // switch from 'O' to 'X' for next move
gameWinner = CheckForWinningGame(board); // returns 'X' or 'O' if the game is won
if (squareCounter == 9)
cout << endl << "Tie Game" << endl << endl;
else if (gameWinner =='X' || gameWinner == 'O')
cout << endl << "Player " << gameWinner << " wins the game" << endl << endl;
return 0;
// ------ Display the Tic Tac Toe board
void DisplayTicTacToe(char board[3][3])
cout << endl;
for (int row=0; row<3; row++) // display three rows
for (int col=0; col<3; col++) // display three columns each row
cout << board[row][col] << ' ';
cout << endl; // end of row
cout << "--------------------------------" << endl << endl;;
// ------ See if the game has been won
// returns the player ('X' or 'O') if the game has been won
char CheckForWinningGame(char board[3][3])
char player;
// check going across the top row to see if all squares are the same
player = board[0][0];
if (board[0][1] == player && board[0][2] == player) return player;
// check going across the middle row to see if all squares are the same
// check going across the bottom row to see if all squares are the same
// check going across the first column to see if all squares are the same
// check going across the second column to see if all squares are the same
// check going across the third column to see if all squares are the same
// check going down the left diagonal \ to see if all squares are the same
// check going down the right diagonal / to see if all squares are the same
return '-'; // if there is no winner