Write a program that reads from a file (with variable number of records) student names and the grades for 2 tests and 3
assignments (the points are between 0 and 100) and determines and outputs for each student the average score for the
2 tests (column Tests Avg)1, average score for the 3 assignments (column Assignments Avg)2, the overall total
points for all tests and assignments (column Points), the numeric grade (column Numeric Grade)3 (between 0 and
100) and the letter grade (column Letter Grade)4. The program should also compute and output the number of
students (row Number), the minimum numeric grade (row Minimum), maximum numeric grade (row Maximum) and
average numeric grade (row Average) among all students and displays them with 2 decimals. Display the output in the
format shown below (use 2 decimals for floating-point numbers and the columns and alignment suggested bellow)
while (infile)
sum = sum + testscore;//update sum
count++; //increment count
//determine the grade
switch (static_cast<int> (testscore) / 10)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
grade = 'F';
case 6:
grade = 'D';
case 7:
grade = 'C';
case 8:
grade = 'B';
case 9:
case 10:
grade = 'A';