There is a handy-dandy get() function that retrieves one character. You don't have to retrieve just one character, though. You could just grab and process whole lines.
what number it is in the alphabet
All chars have a unique "ASCII" code. Finding out what number it is in the alphabet is as simple as ch - 'A' + 1 (remember to use toupper or tolower, so you don't have to care about the case).
what number it is ... in the word
Assuming you have retrieved the word itself, I think this should be very simple.
Just like you would get a word from the user. C++ file streams are designed to be used just like what you use for console input/output.
Here's an analogy between console I/O and file I/O:
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char ch = cin.get(); //Grab one character
string s;
cin >> s; //Grab a word
getline(cin, s); //Grab a line
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ifstream file("File.txt");
cout << "Bad file path.";
return -1;
char ch = file.get(); //Grab one character
string s;
file >> s; //Grab a word
getline(file, s); //Grab a line
Almost exactly the same.
Sorry, misread your post.
I am assuming you are using std::string to store your word. So, for example, for finding out the number in the alphabet a letter is for each word, you'll probably iterate over the string:
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//Have a function to tell you the number given a letter
unsignedshortint alphabet_position(char ch){
if(ch < 'a' || ch > 'z') //Means ch is not an English letter
return 0;
//Find out the position and return it
Then in your code, you might have something like this:
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std::string word("");
file >> word;
for(std::size_t I(0); I < word.size(); ++I)
/*Find out the corresponding number for each character in word and do something with it*/