How to output the highest number of an array

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OK, the simplest (kinda) way to determine the greatest number in a container is to iterate through the container and compare each element to the previous "highest number".

You have an array with 4 elements, and let's say you have a variable called highScore. You can set highScore to contain the score of the first team, then compare it to each of the other 3 teams. If you find a team with a higher score than what is contained in highScore, you assign that value to highScore. At the end of those 3 comparisons, the greatest number will be contained in highScore
Ahh sounds like a good idea, don't suppose you could give a small example? of perhaps tell me what this comparing would be called? so I could look it up in my great little C++ book?

I'm still very new.

Thanks again for your time.
// declare highScore, set it to be the first team's points by default
int highScore = points[0];
// cycle through each of the other team's points
for( int i = 1; i < 4; ++i ) {
   // if another team has higher points than the previous highest,
   // set the highScore to equal that team's points (this will be the new highest)
   if( points[i] > highScore ) {
      highScore = points[i];

As far as I know, this doesn't really have a special name. Notice that i is initialized to have a value of 1 instead of 0, this is because we want to start comparing from the second element, because highScore already contains the value of the first element.
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Excellent, thanks for that! I have now implemented something similar and thank god it works LOL. However would their be away to also bring the team name along with this? meaning could i get the code to output the highest score as well as the relivent name to which it belongs to?
Sure theres a way, but maybe it'd be better for you if you figured that one out yourself.
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