STL Help

So im currently learning the basics of C++ and i have covered quite alot im really stuck on STL standard template library i know NOTHING about it
is there any REALLY BASIC tutorial of understanding this important c++ condepts
What don't you know about STL?
The best way to learn STL is to use it.
If you want, you could start with containers - you could google something like "STL containers tutorial", "C++ vector tutorial" or such, and see what you'll get.
I actually learned some STL things by just using them when I thought that I would benefit from using them.

You can always decide to "learn something from STL". Just pick any library, and see what it is allowing you to do. If it's useful, then write a program using it. Look up reference, search web.

And you can also learn templates. It could help you understand how STL things work.

Thx the thing i dont understand is bacially everything but the most important part if my confusion si what it is for
Well, you once didn't understand anything in C++, did you? :) Grab vector. Learn to use it. Look for tutorials. Then go for list, map. Grab more and more. Everything will come with time.
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