Hello. I'm still very new to C++ and this is one of the first programs I've tried writing on my own. I'm trying to read input from the user and store it in a member of a struct until I have filled the struct, then print that info to the console. I have my functions for the struct and printing prepared and have tested them by inputing the info in the code myself. But I really want to be able to read info into the structs in the program. I tried using cin to read strings into the name, but it won't work. The program compiles just fine, but it doesn't use the function I wrote. Here is my code I have so far. Can someone suggest a mock up function to read info in the struct members? Thanks!
Ok, so I take it cin.sync puts all those inputs together and stores them in the struct? Why doesn't it have a return value? Also, I think my problem before was having GetBand take the struct BandMember as parameters. I don't know why but I thought that I had to somehow pass the struct info to the GetBand function in order to fill in the information.