#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; const int SCORE_LIMIT = 100; int diceRoll(); int humanTurn(int& humanTotalScore); int computerTurn(int& computerTotalScore); int main() { bool win = 1; int humanTotalScore = 0, computerTotalScore = 0; cout << "It is your turn. Press r to roll.\n"; if ((humanTotalScore < SCORE_LIMIT) && (computerTotalScore < SCORE_LIMIT)) { win = 1; } else { win = 0; } do { cout << "Computers Score: " << computerTotalScore << endl; humanTurn(humanTotalScore); computerTurn(computerTotalScore); } while(win = 1); if ((win = 0) && (humanTotalScore > computerTotalScore)) { cout << "You win!"; } else { cout << "You lost!"; } return 0; } int humanTurn(int& humanTotalScore) { int currentScore = 0; int lastRoll; char rollOrHold; cout << "Your total score is: " << humanTotalScore << "." << endl; cout << "Press r to roll again, or h to hold." << endl; cin >> rollOrHold; while (rollOrHold == 'r') { srand (time(NULL)); lastRoll = diceRoll(); if (lastRoll == 1) { cout << "You rolled a 1, ending your turn." << endl; break; } else { currentScore += lastRoll; cout << "You roll a " << lastRoll << ". Your score this turn is: " << currentScore << endl; cout << "Press r to roll again, or h to hold." << endl; cin >> rollOrHold; } } while (rollOrHold == 'h') { humanTotalScore += currentScore; break; } return humanTotalScore; } int computerTurn(int& computerTotalScore) { int currentScore = 0; int lastRoll; cout << "Computer's total score is: " << computerTotalScore << "." << endl; while ((currentScore <= 20) && (currentScore != 1)) { lastRoll = diceRoll(); if (lastRoll == 1) { cout << "The computer rolled a 1, ending their turn." << endl; break; } else { currentScore += lastRoll; cout << "The computer rolls a " << lastRoll << ". Computer's score this turn is: " << currentScore << endl; } } if(currentScore >= 20) { computerTotalScore += currentScore; cout << "After the computer's turn, they have gained an additional " << lastRoll << " points." << endl; } return computerTotalScore; } int diceRoll() { int roll; roll = (int)(rand()%6)+1; return roll; }