Linked list problem while taking input
Mar 8, 2014 at 8:55am
Whats wrong here? The compiler says,
Data does not name a type. |
Question: How can I add some info instead of a single value as a node in Linked List?
Please help. Thanks for any comment.
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Course{
string title;
string days;
string time;
Data value;
Course *next;
Data input(Data item)
cout<<"Enter course title: ";
getline(cin, item.title);
cout<<"Mention days for the course: ";
cout<<"Mention time of the course: ";
return item;
void add_course(Course *&head, Data x)
head = new Course;
head->value = x;
head->next = NULL;
return add_course(head->next , x);
int main(){
Course *head = NULL, A;
Data item, n;
item = A.input(n);
A.add_course(head, item);
return 0;
Mar 8, 2014 at 10:01am
Well, there is no type named Data defined anywhere. Ming tellying what Data is and how should we know about it in advance?
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