Simple or Silly Question

Hi everybody, I just want to ask a simple(maybe a silly) question, is there a way/method/operator/function/ so I can print a units from a tens integer without if, I mean like this :

example : x = 12
then I want the output is 2,

I can make it like this
if ( x == 12 )
cout << "x = 2"

But what I want is not like that. Let's say I have a code which generate a random value(i.e from 1 - 19) for variable x, and if the value is >10, for example the value of x is 12, I want the output just to be only 2, if it's 13 the output should be 3. Is there any way I can do this without making any if ?
Because I found it's not convenient if I must make if for every tens number so the output become units.

Thanks and
I'm sorry for my silly question, or even my question is a wrong question -__-
"Beginner inside"
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You can use the modulus operator(%) cout << "x = " << x % 10;
Use modulus
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Recently I found this operator -= , and I use it like this
 x = 12
cout << "x = " << x -= 10
and it works nice, but soon I realize it's not to good because if my number is >20 I have the problem get revenge on me(it's only substract 10, thus the output will still tens).
But now the problems are gone, thanks to both of you.
Good day..
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