The easiest way I know of to verify if a polygon is convex is to iterate over all points and verify that their orientation moves either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
IE, given 3 consecutive points on a polygon, A, B, and C
If the angle of orientation of AB is greater than the angle of BC, then angle ABC is bending clockwise. If less... then the angle is counter-clockwise.
If all angles are either CW or CCW, the polygon is convex. However if some angles are CW and others are CCW, then polygon is not convex.
The easiest way to implement finding out whether or not an angle is CW or CCW is to use the perpendicular dot product:
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double perpDot( Vector A, Vector B )
return (A.x * B.y) - (A.y * B.x);
if this is > 0 then vector A is oriented CW of vector B. If < 0, A is CCW of B. (I might have that backwards... it's hard to keep straight)
Either way.. this can be leveraged to check all angles in the polygon.
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bool convex = true;
A, B, C = anyThreeConsecutivePointsInPolygon();
bool negative = (perpDot( B-A, C-B ) < 0);
for( ... each angle in the polygon ... )
A, B, C = thePointsOfThisAngle();
if( (perpDot( B-A, C-B ) < 0) != negative )
convex = false;
// here, 'convex' is true if the polygon is convex. 'false' otherwise.