Reading a text file using I/O -- Line by Line


I need help ASAP figuring out how to fix my problem with reading a text file, line by line, and stopping on each line, ended by a -1 (sentinel-control)

Here are the conditions: The text file is a list of grades for a class. Each line indicates a separate grade (lab, exam, homework, etc.) Each line is ended by -1, which tells the program to stop reading that line. I need to read the text file, line by line, WITHOUT USING A STRING, ending at the -1. I can read the first line, but how do I read the next line, skipping the first?



using namespace std;

int main(){

int labcount = 0, quizcount = 0, hwcount = 0, examcount = 0, assigncount = 0;
double lab, quiz, homework, exam, assignment;
double weightedtotal = 0;

ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;"grades.txt");"grade_report.txt");

while (grades != -1){
lab = grades + lab;
lab = lab/labcount;
outFile << "Your lab average is: "<<lab<<endl;

weightedtotal = (lab * (0.15)) + weightedtotal;
return 0;

the program is meant to read several lines of text, for different grades....

the text file would look something like this:

50 100 65 89 95 -1
60 75 -1


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