how to make the program print out more than a word at once

can someone help with the "cin.getline()" problem am facing. thanks

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
int main()
using namespace std;

char lastname [20];
char firstname [20];
char major[20];
char major2[20];
int age;
float gpa;

cout<<" STUDENT #1 \n"<<endl;
cout<<"What is your major?"<<endl;
cin.getline(major, 20);
cout<<"What is your first name?"<<endl;
cin>> firstname;
cout<<"What is your last name?"<<endl;
cin>> lastname;
cout<<"How old are you?"<<endl;
cin>> age;
cout<<"What is your GPA?"<<endl;
cin>> gpa;
if(gpa <2 )
{ cout<<"INVALID!"<<endl;
cout<<" Enter GPA, where GPA cannot be less than 2 or greater than 4";
cin>> gpa;}

if(gpa >4 )
{ cout<<"INVALID!"<<endl;
cout<<" Enter GPA, where GPA cannot be less than 2 or greater than 4\n";
cin>> gpa;}

cout<<"Hello "<<firstname<<" "<<lastname<<"\n"<<endl;
cout<<"You are "<< age<<" years of age"<<" and your major is "<<major<<"\n"<<endl;
cout<<"Your present GPA is:"<<gpa<<"\n"<<endl;

cout<<" STUDENT #2 \n"<<endl;
cout<<"What is your major?"<<endl;
cin.getline(major2, 20);
cout<<"What is your first name?"<<endl;
cin>> firstname;
cout<<"What is your last name?"<<endl;
cin>> lastname;
cout<<"How old are you?"<<endl;
cin>> age;
cout<<"What is your GPA?"<<endl;
cin>> gpa;
if(gpa <2 )
{ cout<<"INVALID!"<<endl;
cout<<" Enter GPA, where GPA cannot be less than 2 or greater than 4";
cin>> gpa;}

if(gpa >4 )
{ cout<<"INVALID!"<<endl;
cout<<" Enter GPA, where GPA cannot be less than 2 or greater than 4\n";
cin>> gpa;}

cout<<"Hello "<<firstname<<" "<<lastname<<"\n"<<endl;
cout<<"You are "<< age<<" years of age"<<" and your major is "<<major2<<"\n"<<endl;
cout<<"Your present GPA is:"<<gpa<<"\n"<<endl;

return 0;
can someone help with the "cin.getline()" problem am facing. thanks

A more precise description of the problem would be useful in the future, especially since cin has nothing to do with output as described in the subject.

I would guess your problem results from the fact that you are mixing formatted and unformatted input. The formatted input (using the extraction operator (>>)) will leave the terminating whitespace in the input stream, which probably means when you use getline it extracts only a newline that was left in the stream by the previous formatted extraction operation.

The simplest solution is to toss in a cin >> ws; before a getline call. It consumes any leading whitespace.

Oh, and btw, prefer to use C++ strings to C strings.
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Since you're using a combination of cin and cin.getlines, you're going to need to use cin.ignores to get the pointer off the null character.

char major[20];
	char firstname[20];
	char lastname[20];

	cout << " STUDENT #1 \n" << endl;

	cout << "What is your major?" << endl;
	cin.getline(major, 20);

	cout << "What is your first name?" << endl;
	cin >> firstname;


	cout << "What is your last name?" << endl;
	cin.getline(lastname, 20); //Use a cin.getline here, since some last names have a space, like de Carte 

Here's part of your code with cin.ignore().

A general rule of thumb, if you have a " cin >> variableName " statement, and the next cin statement uses cin.getline(), you will need cin.ignore() before using cin.getline().
the cin.ignore() worked!. thank you soo much.
You're welcome. See you on the forums.
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