battery reader

Hello I just recently posted a question of how to read processor stats and I was also wondering how I could read the battery %.


It depends on your operating system. What OS are you using?
Windows; is linx better|?
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kmtompkins wrote:
Windows is linx better
This is very ambiguous, but I will try my best to guess what you meant to say:
kmtompkins wrote:
I am using Windows right now - is Linux/Unix better for this?
Well, asking if one or the other is better doesn't make sense. The fact is you're using Windows and so I will link you to a page explaining how to do it on Windows.
If you need more specific help that can't be answered with Google, feel free to show us the code you tried that didn't work.

Also, you may want to edit the topic (not the first post) and move this topic into the WIndows Programming section.
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i don't have code i have no idea what i would use to be able to read out he battery %
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