what will be the output of the following lines of code

I was asked this question in a technical interview and i was not aware about it. Please help me to understand this code.

int main()
int a=5, b=6;
int c;
c= a,b;
return 0;

on runing this code i got the output as c=5 and c=6. I can't understand what is going on here in these two lines.Please help.
on this line c= a,b; the assignment operator has higher precedence than the , operator so assignment is done first so c = 5;

on this line c=(a,b); the parenthesis make the comma operator evaluate first the comma operator returns its right hand operand so (a,b) evaluates to 6 so then you have c = 6;
Did they give any reason why they were expecting you to know such pointless detail, that could be trivially looked up if it ever actually became an issue?

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