I'm getting an odd result. What I'm trying to do is the following. I want to write what ever was entered into the constructor as an int, convert that to a string, then combine that string with the equation string.
equation = num/equation;
If 5 was input into the object
Rational A(5);
I want it to eventually be added to my string so that my string that once read, "0/1" will now read, "5/1".
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//Code I'm attempting to convert two strings into one string
char *Rational::combineString(std::string a, std::string b){
//Converting Strings to char array
char *strA = new char [a.length() + 1];
char *strB = new char [b.length() + 1];
size_t len1 = strlen(strA);
size_t len2 = strlen(strB);
char *result = new char (len1+len2+1);
memcpy(result, strA, len1);
memcpy(result+len1, strB, len2+1);
return result;
//Constructor that accepts 1 int
Rational::Rational(int num){
std::cout << "Inside the constructor that accepts 1 int"<< std::endl;
std::string temp;
numerator = num;
denominator = 1;
equation = "0/1";
temp = convertInt(num);
equation = combineString(temp, equation);
std::cout << numerator << "/" << denominator << std::endl;
std::cout << equation << std::endl;
I'm in a little over my head. If you could provide an answer in as simple as terms as possible, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Here is what I believe each line of the CombineString function is doing.
Line 2: Function is going to return Char pointer, and accepts two strings for input
Line 4: Creating a char pointer strA that points to a dynamically allocated char that is a.lenght() + 1 in size.
Line 5: Creating a char pointer StrB that points to a dynamically allocated char that is b.lenght() + 1 in size.
Line 7 & 8: Don't totally understand what is going on. Looks like its storing the size of strA and StrB into len1 and len2 respectively.
Line 9: Creating a new char pointer that is the size of both original strings +1.
Line 11: memcpy is copying StrA into result, len1 being the size of StrA.
Line 12: memcpy is copying StrB into result+len1 (moving up the elements until you go to an empty space), then len2+1 lists the string size and adds 1 for null terminator.
Line 14: returns result which is the starting address of the result array.