College Class In C++

Feb 1, 2014 at 11:38pm
Why is it that my only class in C++ in undergraduate college teaches console programming and not Windows or Linux application programming?
Feb 1, 2014 at 11:44pm
Because cross-platform programming is awesome! :D
If you want some GUI look at Qt ( )!
Last edited on Feb 1, 2014 at 11:44pm
Feb 1, 2014 at 11:56pm
I will take a look at that link. I just can't believe that a college will only teach console programming instead of windowed application programming. Most of the stuff I know in Information Systems such as programming, web development, etc comes from me studying on my own. Such a waste of time and money, but the IT companies still require at least a Bachelor's degree :/
Feb 2, 2014 at 12:50am
closed account (j3Rz8vqX)
Which course are you taking?

I don't believe they are teaching you "console programming", rather they are teaching you c++ programming without OS limitations.

Possible console commands are:
And all the other console printouts - good for debugging.

Everything else is productive c++; should be at least - never know.

When learning the basic fundamentals, I believe it's better to not involve the OS limited setup; you've got to be pretty adept to call methods and classes from the windows header without understanding OOP or even structural programming - which class are you taking again?
Last edited on Feb 2, 2014 at 12:52am
Feb 2, 2014 at 1:09am
Look at the classes further ahead, there's software development and such available. They're giving you a solid foundation to work with that will make your whole programming career easier. It's no different than anything else. You gotta learn your modes before you can play jazz.
Feb 2, 2014 at 1:29am
Dput wrote:
which class are you taking again?

kvltKitty wrote:
Look at the classes further ahead

I am currently 3 months away from getting my BS in Computer Information Systems. The only programming classes besides web programming were one class in C++ and 2 classes in Java.
Feb 2, 2014 at 1:39am
Hmm weird. I'm a computer science major and I still have to take 2 more software development courses in addition to the three programming classes I have taken.
Feb 2, 2014 at 1:55am
May be your school's curriculum sucks
Feb 2, 2014 at 2:26am
Learning to use a GUI framework is tiddlywinks compared to learning to code. Quality university courses won't generally bother with teaching you that kind of stuff directly (unless the course is specifically to learn that framework or is minimally required to do the work, such as using OpenGL for some 3D programming).

That said, I am unsure about your quality of education. You ask bright questions, but five classes for a CS major isn't very much, and the questions you do ask you should already know the answers to if you are that close to a BS.
Feb 2, 2014 at 2:36am
Actually I have taken 5 systems concepts classes, 3 programming classes, 2 of the 3 web development classes, and 3 systems development classes on top of general ed classes. The ASP.Net class I took used C# (in which I didn't already know). Maybe the curriculum is more geared towards Java Application programming because I took Java in 2 classes. The intro language was C++, but the advanced topics was in Java.
Feb 2, 2014 at 2:46am
closed account (j3Rz8vqX)
Why is it that my only class in C++ in undergraduate college teaches console programming and not Windows or Linux application programming?

I'm not going to judge your education or the credentials of your college; so don't feel threaten.

What I was wondering was: which c++ class is it? the particular name?

c++ is simply a language, what is being taught with the language is usually the importance.

Class examples:
Algorithm and design
Structured programming
Object Oriented Programming

Language Examples - Those that I can easily relate to:
c, c++, java, asm(x86), vb, Html/xhtml, SQL, php

There has got to be some sort of algorithm or technique they're providing you; the language is important, but the concept that comes with it should be of greater value. Once you learn structured programming in one particular language, you can easily apply it to other languages; c,c++,vb,assembly. Same applies to OOP, link-list, hash-tables, trees, and all the other little tricks; as long as the language is applicable with it.

Languages come and go.

[Edit - Update]
Was initially written during the previous two posts.

Is there something wrong with the c++ class?
Like Duoas stated, unless the class specializes in a particular framework, it will not bother to involve OS limitations - it would just slow the learning process.
Last edited on Feb 2, 2014 at 2:57am
Feb 2, 2014 at 2:50am
Dput wrote:
which c++ class is it? the particular name?

The course name was "Introduction to Programming Using C++."

My bad that was the name of the textbook. The course name was "Programming With Lab."
Last edited on Feb 2, 2014 at 2:53am
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