Help on homework

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Hey I need help with my homework Im not sure on what he wants us to do.

Write a complete program for each problem below. The programs should be able to prompt user for input and generate output. Note: submit 3 separate C++ files, one for each problem, otherwise you’ll get a zero.
Consider various sizes of your favorite soft drink, ranging from jumbo to small:
Extra-large: greater than 36 Oz;
Large: between 24 to 36 Oz;
Regular: between 12 to 24 Oz;
Small: less than 12 Oz.

1. Use if-else statement to print proper size given some amount of drink

2. Use if statement to print proper size given some amount of drink.

3. Use switch to print the following, given a grade. Use fall-through whenever possible.

Print “Excellent Grade” if the grade is ‘A’;
Print “Good Grade” if the grade is ‘B’;
Print “Passing Grade” if the grade is ‘C’ or ‘D’;
Print “Failed Grade” if the grade is ‘F’.

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I'm not sure on what he wants us to do.
Which instruction are you confused with? Generally, if you break down the process it should explain itself. You should contact your professor if you're unsure of his expectations; possibly an example such as #3 has demonstrated - for #1 and #2?

Other than that, can you explain what you're unsure with?

My interpretations:

#1 and #2 are soft drink applications. Use the "if-else" and "if" flow control statements:

print [the] proper [soft drink] size [when] given some amount of drink
I am assuming the user provides an integer of Oz, and the program displays what drink-size they ordered; amount requests a numeric value.

#3 is a grade program that will be utilizing a switch-statement. User inputs a letter grade and the program should determines if the grade was: “Excellent Grade”, “Good Grade”, “Passing Grade”, or “Failed Grade”.

submit 3 separate C++ files, one for each problem
You should be designing and implementing three seperate programs.

Have fun.
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