how to make a library file

Anyone use "Financial Numerical Recipes in C++"?

I try to make the lib. I followed the instructions in the "readme.txt" file. I run "cmd" from Windows 7 to get the black window, then I cd to the all_cc_progs folder and do "make lib", but "make" is not recognized as a command.

Can anyone let me know how to make the library and use it?

Thanks a lot.

Attachment: readme.txt
The code is in the two subdirectories:
all_cc_progs/: Code to create library
examples_cc/: Examples of library use, many of the same examples that are contained in the manuscript

The subdirectory "all_cc_progs/" contains the source codes for
the routines, with a makefile that will compile all the c++ files
and put them into the library "librecipes.a" To make, cd into the
directory and do "make lib"

The resulting library, contained in "librecipes.a",
need to be copied into the "examples_cc" directory.
After that, run the examples by cd'ing to that directory and do
"make run"
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