void reveal(nothing w) //the object you pass will be copied here and thus being at a different address
cout<<"THE object adress is : "<<this<<endl; //and here you print the address of
//(the way you call it in main) w1 not the passed copy of w2
mutexe your method works but why doesn't it work when i pass it by value p.s could you do it without giving it parametrized constructor , default constructor would clear my another problem
Glandy why should it be the address of w1 i am passing w2 and doesn't this give the address of passed value or does it give the address of the thing that calls it ?
I find pointer particulary hard cause it's tricky to know which address it is giving
why is the function requiring parameter but not using it ?
Good point :) i see now why mutexe did it by reference and it can not be done by value and your program does work though in line 9 you did another thing which i didn't know it was possible you made an instance of pointer to a function i didn't know you could do that too