ofstream offile("Sum.txt");
it means that you are creating object called offile based on ofstream class with constructor, which has two parameters - name of file and mode in which file is opened
When you do not write a mode, it's implicitly ios::out
And what it does is that it deletes existing file Sum.txt and create a new one. And you read unknown nubers from it.
If you want to program not to delete it, write ofstream offile("Sum.txt", ios::app), but then you will have to face
while loop
simply said, while(infile) is true until you get to the end of the infile file. However, you not only read from, but you write in too. So there is still something to read.
It writes something in it now but there is alot of garbage value in the sum.txt file when opened changes that are made is by adding ios::app to sum offile