New version

hey so tell me what's the newest version of borland c++ for windows?
thank you.
First google result:
You didn't do your homework.

Why use borland? I suggest you using other compiler/IDE instead.
oh well ok. what compiler do you suggest then?
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There are better compilers than Borland C++, try codeblocks or MS visual C++, both are modern IDEs and free.
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Use this: (TDM-GCC)

Or this: (Visual C++ 2010 - a compiler + a good IDE)

If you're going to suggest Visual Studio, you might as well suggest the latest version, which is Visual Studio 2013.

Alternatively, if you want a decent Text Editor + commandline compiler:
closed account (EwCjE3v7)
Go for code::blocks it's free and the best one out there. My opinion
@ Catfish666: The latest Visual Studio (2013) includes C#, VB too and is huge to download ~700MB while in 2010 you can download the IDE for different languages seperately.
C::B is IDE, but a good one.
I suggest you using g++ from gcc. It's really good compiler.

@ Stormboy: the compiler and C++ standard library shipping with Visual Studio 2013 implement a lot of C++11 features, whereas in Visual Studio 2010 only certain C++0x features are implemented.

As AidaVed learns the C++ language he (she) will eventually want to learn to use C++11 features: basic, yet very sane things like initializer lists, and uniform initialization, range-based for() loop, hash maps, etc.
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The original Borland product line lives on under the Embarcadero company. Nowadays it is probably of most interest for RAD Studio, which evolved from the earlier products such as Borland C++ Builder. Although it is actually good, it comes at a price, the starter version is perhaps affordable, but I'd recommend looking at the free alternatives first.

One example is Orwell DevC++ - this is the maintained up to date version of this compiler and IDE
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woah thank you guys. and i'm a she @Catfish666
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