Help understanding this assignment

Ok members, so to start it off I have an input data that will look like
johsin 85 75 75 93 83 
Ansiton 80 90 95 93 63
Cooper 83 82 23 34 24

The assignment asks to use three arrays. A one dimensional array to store th student names, a (parallel) two dimensional array to store the test score and a parallel one dimensional array to store the grades.

I'm having a difficult time understanding what they're asking for. For the first requirement
1.) use a one dimensional array to store names. Well for this one I know I Couod use string names[5]

2.) for the second requirement, it says use a parallel two dimensional array to store the test scores. I know how to use a two dimensional array and how to make it but that parallel part is throwing me off. Can someone explain to me what it means by that and please can you provide me an example as I'm a visual learner.

3.) a one dimensional parallel array to store the grades. Just for a note, this is not a hmw problem assigned by teacher. I'm just practicing some problems from the book. The input data that is in there are all of them test scores? They never specify which one of them are test scores and the assignment problem says to have ao be dimensional array to store the grades...I'm thinking of assignment grades, but I'm lost...thanks for taking your time to read this whomever is reading it :D will look forward for some guidance soon :)
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I believe by parallel, it means to match the index of the name to the index of the grade to the index of the test scores.

So if you have the array:

[ name1 | name2 | name3 ]

Then the test scores for the names should be stored in the same index

[ score11 | score21 | score31
  score12 | score22 | score32 ]

where scorexy refers to [name[x], score[y]]

And finally grades should be stored similarly

[ grade1, grade2, grade3 ]
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