Rendering question

Good evening.

I have a small individual-made program on my computer. It's simple, but while in theory it's supposed to be modular, customizable, etc., I find it to be rather clunky, incredibly finicky (crashing without so much as an error report if a single config is slightly off) and the customizability, while there, is incredibly obtuse, especially since a number of the defined terms you're supposed to be able to use don't work at all. To make matters worse, the almost totally uncommented code is in Python, which is not a language I really understand that well. I can guess at a lot of the functions but I lack the knowledge to actually hack around and rewrite the code. So instead of trying to fix his program, I thought I'd rather write my own engine from the ground up. Problem is, while I can demonstrate a basic understanding of C++ concepts, from simple functions up to classes, overloaded member functions, etc etc... I've never taken that step up past simple console text-based programs and I'm kinda at a loss as to how I need to proceed.

The project specifications are thus: I need to be able to generate a window, display images from local files, and parse and render text on the fly. The goal is still to be open to customization. Parsing text from files I can do, and I know where to find tons of tutorials on generating a window, but the rendering thing is a bit beyond me at the moment. I'd like to read up on some tutorials and do my thing, but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to suggest a good site for getting started.
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