enter new record

program that consists of structure/s and file/s. The structure can store the following information about a customer account for a credit card company.
Telephone number
Total credit balance
Date of last payment

enter new records into the file with all the information above.
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my coding my im not sure either it correct or not.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

struct det
char state[20];
char city[20];
int postcode;

struct cuac
char name[20];
char address[50];
det address2;
int phonenum;
double balance;
char date[20];

int main()
int ans;

cout <<"1.Open new Customer account."<<endl;
cout <<"2.Search & display customer record."<<endl;
cout <<"3.Search & delete customer account."<<endl;
cout <<"4.Search & change customer account."<<endl;
cout <<"5.Display the entire archive."<<endl;
cout <<"6.Exit."<<endl;
cout <<setprecision(2)<<showpoint<<fixed;
cin >> ans;

case 1:write();
case 2:read();
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