Should I take this college course?

I've been learning C++ for a little while now, and I have a good foundation. When the opportunity to take a free VG Dev. course arose, I was ecstatic. But my excitement was flushed down a toilet when I found out that the college teaches C#. After accessing the differences in C# and C++, I've decided that there's no way I'm going to abandon C++. Besides, my math teacher also knows C++ and she's helped me out a couple of times. But still, a college course... So here are my options, and keep in mind that this course is only one sixth of a certificate:

1. Continue learning both languages, one at home, the other in an online college course.

2. Abandon C++ (I doubt I will, but if you really think it's best, try to convince me)

3. Put C++ away until I finish the college course in May 2014.(I'll forget most of it, I know because I started learning C++ last summer, and sort of accidental stopped when school started, and when I started again, I barely remembered a lot of it).

4. You have a better idea?

Also if you have any tips regarding switching to new languages or learning two at once ma come in handy. Is there a better place I should ask this question?
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I would select (1) because knowing more languages can't really hurt you.
If you're confident in your ability with C++ for now then I would go with option 3. You may make some silly mistakes when you come back to it, like using a brace where you need to use a bracket or getting the reference and dereference operators mixed up, and you will probably need a week or so to refresh yourself but it's not like you'd be starting all over again. I only suggest this because the course is in C#, the syntax for those are close enough to mix you up if you are trying to learn them side by side and the differences are huge. Take pointers for instance, they are an invaluable tool in C\C++ but C# not only nerfs them but actively discourages their use by making you put them inside of an un-managed code block that is even named "unsafe". It uses "try...finally" instead of "try...catch". It reuses keywords like new but with a weird sort of not quite the same meaning since you are not the one managing the dynamically allocated memory. The list just goes on and on like this. I know if it were me starting from a few years ago there is no way I could learn them side by side.
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