Books for a beginner.

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Hello C++ community.

I would like to start learning how to program in C++. My goal is to be fluent in the language and be able to write my own computer game without help from thirdparties (except for books I suppose). As in.. I wish to be able to make a simple game with a background, a character (able to move and animated), monsters, HP & MP, Skills and simple attacks without having to search on the net to find something I could rip off of somebody.

I am not saying that I want to directly start with that, but I am saying that I wish to learn the C++ language and be able to do the above mentioned ASAP.

Is there a book that I could read? One that would carry me from the beginning to the end, where as I also get to work with 2D graphics.

Preferably one with exercises that would make things easier for me to remember.

Thank you :)
SubtleNinja wrote:
without having to search on the net to find something I could rip off of somebody.
You will never write any program that doesn't involve the use of some other code that someone else wrote at some point in time. But that's also the point, reinventing the wheel is silly (EDIT: Not all the time. Sometimes it's awesome for educational purposes. What I mean is: it would be ridiculous for you to try to rewrite DirectX on your own). So don't worry too much about "ripping someone off." Otherwise you'd be dealing directly with hardware in order to render graphics instead of using a library like SDL or SFML (which also use other libraries underneath the hood) that'll save you 20 years of coding, lol.

As far as books go, i'll refer you to this article by Grey Wolf:

As far as 2D graphics go, I've yet to find a book worth reading about it. My personal weapon of choice when it comes to that though is the SFML library (
The documentation is phenomenal. Although you'll need to understand a significant amount about C++ and programming in general before it'll start making sense in your head.

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there is a book i always hear :

Beginning C++ through game programming

google it and see the results !
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