Hello everyone. I'm new here and I have a code that I need help with. I'm currently enrolled in a intro C++ course in college and I am feeling very lost. As of now I am using Visual Studio 2013 and I am working on arrays. I have compiled a code from the book. For this assignment, I am supposed to use an I/O manipulator,setw(15), setprecision(2) setiosflags(ios::fixed|ios::showpoint|ios::left) but I don't know where this would go.
My code runs, but the output screen quickly disappears before I can read the output.
At the end of your code, in between lines 29 and 30, simply add cin.sync(); cin.get();. What this will do is it will effectively ask for another character from your program, pausing it. To end your program, just press the "ENTER" (or sometimes "RETURN") button on your keyboard.