Why we use function template?

like this one:
template<class T>
void nice(T a, T b){
cout << a + b<<endl;

the template can take int, double, long ...
but i can make it with type cast by just offer a double type function.
void nice(double a, double b){
cout << a + b << endl;

and as to specialization like meeting a structure or char type, i can use function overloading instead.

so my question is: why function template?
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While it's true that sometimes a set of overloads and a function template are both suitable (e.g. the overload-or-template versions of std::pow and other math functions for integer arguments), sometimes you just can't know all required overloads beforehand.

Consider std::sort: how would you implement it as a set of overloads if you don't know what kind of iterators and comparison functors the users will try calling it with? And if they use a lambda or a std::bind, there simply isn't a mechanism to provide a function overload.
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