Multiple files (two .cpp one .h)

Hello all,

So I am having some major problems with using multiple files. I am using Visual C++ 2010 Express and cannot figure out for the life of me how to get it to work with a custom header. Which is a problem as we're working on our final project, that requires a lot of time at home, but I can't seem to get it to work so I am unable to check or even work on it at home.

Can anybody recommend either a tutorial or a more simple (free preferably) program that will allow me to make simple console applications with the least amount of hassle?

Thanks to all who answer

Open up a text editor, type your program in and compile with a free standing compiler. VS probably has a way of creating and using header files but you just haven't used it long enough to figure out where the option is.

netbeans or eclipse both have that option

This is where VS searches for header files when you include them in your project
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Right click a project filter and go to 'Add->New Item' to add a new file to the project. Go to 'Add->Existing Item' to add an existing header to the project.
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