Presenting your Program

Hey Guys , Its the end of my CIS 5 class ! For the final project we have to make tic tac toe and another game/app of our choice . ALSO , we have to make a presentation 10-13 min long giving a brief description of my tic-tac-toe implementation. This presentation is supposed to prepare us for the future when having to present our programs to companies.
I just don't know where to start on the presentation , can anyone give me some ideas or maybe point me to an example presentation so I can get an idea ?

Thanks in advance !
Potential presentation organization?
-explanation of the rules
-representing the game board in memory (single dimension array? 2D? How to represent blank and occupied spaces?)
-displaying the board
-receiving/validating user input
-generating computer's play / AI (if it is person v. CPU)
-checking win-lose conditions (show how each potential winning scenario is analyzed)
-show sample output
-room for improvement (persist player win/loss record, come up with a system where multiple users can 'sign-in' and play and their win-loss stats are tracked, smarter AI)
-lessons learned (a great place to show how you diagnosed and overcame problems)
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Thank you ! this really helped !!
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