I am trying to make a card game in console, and all I am trying to do now is just display 5 random numbers, which are the cards. I have the numbers set from 1 to 10, I will put in the face cards and card classes(spades, hearts, etc.) later, that is why I have all the #define s at the top.
Main() should only take zero or two arguments. The code given compiles on my compiler but it gives warnings, guessing other compilers might not even compile. Also the expression rand() & 10 + 1 doesn't make sense (& is used as bitwise AND), guessing you mean rand() % 10 + 1
Also typo, faceCard_Kind should be faceCard_King.
You could also use an enumeration to define the face cards if you wanted, that way the card array could be defined in terms of ints rather than chars and you wouldn't need the #define statements.
Also the current #define statements probably should be like faceCard_Jack 'J' since 'J' is a character but "J" is a string.