Thats a lot of errors without any indication to what any of the errors are. Almost sounds like we would need to re-write the program for you so please post some of the errors given :)
Also, to neaten up your code you may want to change the input to uppercase/lowercase so that you don't have to have lines like if(grade5=='A'||grade5=='a')... all throughout your program
All of those errors come from everything that looks like this: grade3=='bm'
Single quotes translate the single character inside to an integer. For example, 'A'==65 (ASCII). It's illegal to have more than one character inside them.
If you don't want to rewrite a lot of code, input grades into an std::string and replace all ' with ".
what is meant by this sentece dear
" to neaten up your code you may want to change the input to uppercase/lowercase so that you don't have to have lines like if(grade5=='A'||grade5=='a')..."
THese are the only 2 errors which are coming again and again:
error C2446: '==' : no conversion from 'int' to 'char *'
Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
error C2040: '==' : 'char [5]' differs in levels of indirection from 'int'
helios is saying to transform your text to either uppercase/ or lowercase, so you dont have all of those pointless conditions(grade == 'A'||grade == 'a'), because it doesnt look too great,
your are also using void main() (get that out of there, void main() is a lie, it still returns a value), google c++ functions, this code could be simplified into probably a 4th of what it is now
What I mean is that it's tedious to have to write lines like if(grade5=='A'||grade5=='a')... so instead, once you have got your input you can use something like:
1 2 3 4 5 6
char str[80] = "ThIs Is A tEsT";
for(int i=0;str[i];i++)
if(isupper(str[i])) str[i] = tolower(str[i]);
cout << str;
This takes the input, checks each character to see if it is uppercase and if so changes it to lower case, then you only have to check if it was "a" instead of "A" || "a". And, as Helios wonderfully said, you can make this a function and send all inputs to it thus making your code a lot better!
Looking back through this user's posts, I simply cannot take him seriously. The code seems (to me) to have been purposely created as complete crap. I believe him to be a troll.
Look at his User Profile. If he's going to the Institute of Space Technology in Pakistan, why doesn't he have an email address there instead of gmail and yahoo? The phone number he gives looks fake, too (I believe it has one too many numbers!).
And he says, "Everyone may contact me for discussion or for any problem specialy related C++," and puts under Skills "C++", which is hardly the case.
Step 1: Change the types of grade1, grade2, grade3, grade4, and grade5 to std::string
Step 2: Replace all single quotes (') with double quotes (")
Step 3: Notice that some conditions are missing their quotes (lines 20, 22, 26, 28, 32, and 34). Add them.
Don't bother coming back to waste our time until you've done this.
Here's my version of this. Instead of asking the user, the user asks it and it's also based on a GPA 4.0 scale (should work with others but I get weird results so stick with 4.0). And instead of excepting a letter (which isn't specific enough to calculate GPA anyways), I used a number.