So I have code that is a clock basically. In all of our assignments we need to name it pass(1-8).cpp This one is pass8.cpp. Part of the directions include this
"You should put the class prototype in Clock.h, and implement all the Clock member functions in Clock.cpp. In a third file, main.cpp, write the following code."
Then he says after that that we will compile it with g++ pass8.cpp Clock.cpp
I don't see what the point in the pass8.cpp file is if everything is already in the other three files. Can someone help me out with this as I don't have too much experience with .h files.
The idea here is that you want to do something like
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// Clock.h
// #include guard -- prevents your header file from being #included multiple times
class Clock
// Member variable/function declarations here
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// Clock.cpp
#include "Clock.h"
// Whatever other #includes you might need
// Member function definitions here, e.g.
// etc.
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// main.cpp
#include "Clock.h"
// Whatever other #includes you need
int main()
// Use Clock here
That's how you would split everything into multiple files.