why is it that when i derived from a base class w/ deleted operator= and copy c'tor, the derived class' operator= and copy c'tor is also implicitly deleted ?
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class non_copyable {
public :
non_copyable( const non_copyable& ) = delete;
non_copyable& operator= ( const non_copyable& ) = delete;
protected :
non_copyable() {}
class derived : public non_copyable {
public :
derived( int i = 0) : i(i) {}
int i;
int main () {
derived foo;
derived bar = foo;
Because if you there's no way to copy/assign the base class contents, then any attempt to copy/assign the derived class contents would be meaningless. You'd have the semantics of copying a class, but in fact you'd only be copying part of it, leaving you with a class in a partially-initialised and probably invalid state.