I already know that but cin.ignore() normally works.
You have declared variable "name" as type int, you may want to change that to string. [you will need #include <stream>]
If you want user to be able to enter first and last name then use getline () instead of cin.
You also have typo in one of your variable names. It should be "answer" not "awnser".
RabMac String is under #include <string>
not stream.
Well thanks for the info on the string part
but its still closing!
Yeah I meant <string> gibilit ;)
Instead of using cin use getline ()
getline ()
is not working
"getline is undefined"
std::getline( std::cin , string_goes_here );
that did not work but I figured something out!
when it closing I can only see a not amy
so I typed in a and that worked
but when I type in a full name it just closes.