what means operator *= in copy function?
Program of this program is to copy file. In the code I found the operator *=
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) // how many arguments recieved, arguments array
if (argc != 3) // check that you used 2 arguments
cerr << "Syntaxe: " << argv[0] << " source target" << endl;
return -1;
ifstream in(argv[1],ios::binary); // read data from input file (argument 1)
ofstream out(argv[2],ios::binary);// write data to target file
char buffer[1000];
int count = 0;
while (in && out)
{ // std::istream::read , std::istream::write
in.read(buffer,1000); // read maximum 1000 bytes
// however write maximum of read bytes count
out.write(buffer,in.gcount());// write byte to file
count++; // count thousands
--count *= 1000;
count += in.gcount();
cout << "Bytes copied: " << count << endl;
return 0;
I understand that the count counts loops however I do not fully understand these two lines:
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--count *= 1000; // why is here this line?
count += in.gcount(); // why is here this line?
What purpose is of these two lines?
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They're compound assignment operators.
It's the same as writing..
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count = --count * 1000;
count = count + in.gcount();
Ah, I thought that the star is pointer :-)
BTW: How big buffer is optimal to copy files?
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