this is what i have so far...for some reason when i output the amount the number is too big for example "24443423.0" im confused.
Write a program that asks how
many tickets for each class of seats were sold, then displays the amount of income
generated from ticket sales. Format your dollar amount in xed-point notation, with
two decimal places of precision, and be sure the decimal point is always displayed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
floatconst seatA=15,seatB=12,seatC=9;
float tickets, total,seat;
int TicketA, TicketB, TicketC;
cout << setprecision(2)<< fixed << endl;
cout << "how many ticket for each class were sold?"<< endl;
cout << " ClassA, classB and classC"<< endl;
cout << "please seperate your answer with a space" << endl;
cin >> TicketA,TicketB,TicketC;
total = (TicketA*seatA)+(TicketB*seatB)+(TicketC*seatC);
cout << "the total dollar amount for ticket will be: $ "<<
total<< endl;