Hi everybody. I have trouble dynamically growing a stack.
Any help will be appreciated.
So, I have...
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#define CAPACITY 128
typedef double ElemType;
typedef struct stack_struct *StackPtr;
typedef struct stack_struct StackStruct;
struct stack_struct{
ElemType items[CAPACITY];
int top;
than..., at a runtime a stack is being created dynamically.
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StackPtr stk_create(){
StackPtr s = malloc(sizeof(struct stack_struct));
s->top = -1;
return s;
Now..., when the stack is full,I want to allocate a new chank of space and copy
the old stack in there. Problem is, I'm not shure how to do that.
If I do it the same way it is done in
(use malloc and sizeof old stack
times 2), than won't it copy the whole struct with the array and
int top
in it?
Won't I have than a new struct with two
int top
s in it?
I was also thinking about just creating a new array two times the size of the
old one and than just point
to it, but than again, my professor told
me to make sure and
every occurance of memory allocation done with malloc.
But I used malloc to allocate memory for the whole struct(with array and int in it).
What would I be freeing than if I will only resize the array
inside the struct?
Thank you.