Help with caesar shift/ endcoding, decoding

Is anybody familiar with the caesar shift function? My encoding and decoding are putting out the same information, and I am not sure how to fix it. I am a beginner programmer and any help/guidance would be appreciated.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

//Constant Declarations
const int W_WIDTH = 80; ///< Width of the terminal window

//Forward Declarations - Function Prototypes

/// Utility Function to read a value from an input stream ( any type with a operator>> defined ) - non-interactive
template<class T>
bool readValue( istream &in_stream, T &value_in);

/// Utility Function to read a value from an input stream - interactive
template<class T>
bool readValue( istream &in_stream, T &value_in, string message, int width=34 );

/// Print a horizontal line
void printHorizontalLine( ostream& outs, char line_char, int width );

/// Print a centered heading
void printHeading( string title, int width );

/// Print the stylized program/project heading
void printProjectHeading( ostream& outs, int width );

/// Apply the caesar cipher
char caesarShift( char to_shift, int shift_value);

/// Print the encode and decode selection menu
void printMenu();

/// Read the shift value from the keyboard
int readShiftValue();

/// Main Function
int main(){
fstream in_file; ///< Input File Stream
fstream out_file; ///< Output File Stream

string input_filename; ///< Input File Name
string output_filename; ///< Output File Name

string line;
string title;
///< String to store each line

int shift_value =0; ///< Shift Value for caesar Cipher

char choice = '\0'; ///< User menu selection
char current_char = '\0'; ///< Current character to be processed

//Print the program heading
printProjectHeading( cout, W_WIDTH);

// Read the input and output file names
readValue( cin, input_filename, "Read from which file? ");
readValue( cin, output_filename, "Write to which file? ");

//Open the filestreams input_filename.c_str(), ios::in ); //open filestreams output_filename.c_str(), ios::out );

//Validate the filestreams
if( ){ //check if correct filename is entered.
cerr << "Input file is invalid.\n";
return 1;

if( ){
cerr << "Output file is invalid.\n";
return 2;

//Read the Shift "Key" Value
shift_value = readShiftValue( );

//Display the Encode Decode Selection Menu

//Read the User Selection and convert to uppercase
readValue( cin, choice, "Select an Option: " );
choice = toupper( choice );

//Validate the user selection
//D - decode - reverse the shift direction
//E - encode - no addional logic
//other - error and quit
if( choice == 'D' ){
shift_value = -1 * ( shift_value );
if (choice !='D' && choice != 'E'){
shift_value = 0 * (shift_value);

if( choice == 'E'){ //error and program termination if wrong value entered.
shift_value = 0 * (shift_value);

cout << "ERROR! YOU HAVE ENTERED AN INVALID VALUE!"; // Error message if value entered >1, <25.

return 0;

//read each line of the file
//Read the line

while( !in_file.eof() ){ //loop to obtain each line of the input file.

getline( in_file, line );

//Iterate through each character in the line string
for( int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++){

current_char = line[i]; //Retrieve the i-th character from "line"
//Retrieve the i-th character from the string
//MODIFY the following line
//Hint: array subscripts - line[ some # ]
//Convert the line to uppercase
current_char = toupper( current_char );

//If the character is in the range A to Z, apply the caesar shift
//otherwise output the character unmodified
if( current_char >= 'A' && current_char <= 'Z' ){
out_file << caesarShift( current_char, shift_value );
out_file << current_char;

//If the current line is not the last, output a newline character
// MODIFY - Do not output an extra newline at the end of the file
out_file << "\n";


//Close the input and output files
in_file.close(); //close the input and output files.


template<class T>
bool readValue( istream &in_stream, T &value_in){
in_stream >> value_in;

//Return False on read error
return in_stream.good();

template<class T>
bool readValue( istream &in_stream, T &value_in, string message, int width ){
cout << left << setw( width ) << message << ": ";

return readValue( in_stream, value_in );

void printHorizontalLine( ostream& outs, char line_char, int width ){
outs << setfill( line_char ) << left << setw( width ) << line_char << "\n";
//reset outs fill
outs.fill( ' ' );

void printHeading( string title, int width ){
//Declare Variables
int magic_width = 0;

magic_width = (width/2) - (title.length()/2) + title.length();

cout << "\n"
<< left << setfill('*') << setw( width ) << "" << "\n"
<< right << setfill(' ') << setw( magic_width ) << title << "\n"
<< left << setfill('*') << setw( width ) << "*" << "\n";

//reset cout
cout.fill(' ');

void printProjectHeading( ostream& outs, int width ){
//Variable Declarations

int magic_width = 0;
string title = " ";

//Output the top line

//Output the title text

//Output the bottom line

int readShiftValue(){
int shift_value = 0;

//Read the value
readValue( cin, shift_value, "Enter a shift value");

//Validate the shift value - must be in the range 1 to 25 including 1 and 25
while (shift_value < 1 || shift_value > 25)

readValue(cin, shift_value, "Please enter a shift value in the range of 1 to 25:");

return shift_value;

void printMenu(){
//Print the Menu Heading
printHeading( "Operations Menu", W_WIDTH);

//Print the Menu

cout << "Input the letter E to encode";
cout << "\nInput the letter D to decode\n";


char caesarShift( char to_shift, int shift_value){ //encode, decode function.
char result_char; ///< resulting char

if(to_shift == 'Z' && shift_value <= 25)
result_char = 'A';
else if (to_shift == 'A' && shift_value >= 1)
result_char = 'Z';

result_char = to_shift + shift_value;
return result_char;

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