windows to mac and others

Is there anything extra required to run an .exe written in c++ on mac or other types of computers? a friend of mine has a mac and i was going to see if he would be able to help me with some stuff in a program. but my question came up when using a library libwinmm.a i could be horribly wrong but the WIN part means windows. right?
also when the program runs its in the cmd prompt. so is the mac terminal i think it is the same as that? or is there just some slight adjustments needed to make the program run on mac or what?

if not please just correct me and forgive my ignorance. thus why im posting in the 'Beginners' section.

thanks for the help in advance.
The only way you can
run an .exe [...] on mac or other types of computers
is if the platform supports that particular extension or through an emulator of some kind.

Typically, this is why programmers write portable code, so that if a user using a different platform needs to compile and run the program, they can do so without any hassle.
Basically, it works like this:

1.)Programmer writes portable code for different platforms, let's say it supports windows and mac.

2.)Code gets compiled on windows. You get an .exe or .dll or whatever.

3.)Code gets compiled on mac. You get a .app or .dmg or whatever

You do not compile your program on one platform and distribute it to other platforms, thinking your users can simply make
some slight adjustments

libwinmm specifically is part of the windows API. As you can imagine, it's terribly un-portable, and platform specific.
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