library issues

Hi, I am learning C++ on my own free time. Currently I am learning about curses.
I did a bit of research and downloaded PDcurses library. The IDE I am using is CodeBlocks and to add libraries it uses a plugin called Lib Finder. This is where my issue lies. The manual says:
"Currently LibFinder can search for wxWidgets 2.6/2.8,
CodeBlocks SDK and GLFW – the list will be extended in future.
To get more details on how to add library support into LibFinder,
read src/plugins/contrib/lib finder/lib finder/readme.txt
in CodeBlocks sources

I checked this out on the CodeBlocks site but the administration removed the link.

Any help on where to find this file or how to add libraries to CodeBlocks will be appreciated. Thank you very much!
Go to and download the pdcurses-2.6.0-2003.07.21-1.exe.

Save it in the base directory of your MinGW installation (usually C:\MinGW\). Execute it to unzip all the appropriate headers, etc. You can delete the exe after that.

It has been a while since I've played with Code::Blocks, but you should be able to add "pdcurses" to the list of libraries to link. (On the command-line, it would be -lpdcurses. Some IDEs require you to list the file directly, which is libpdcurses[.a].)

Hope this helps.
Thanks Duoas, did it and the library works in code::blocks.
Just one more thing. There is a How-to for ncurses, does this work for pdcurses as well or is ncurses totally different from pdcurses.
PDCurses is NCurses for DOS/Windows/etc.
Oh that explains why the code for ncurses works for pdcurses. Thanks Duoas you helped alot!!!
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