I'm not sure that my terminology of "nested classes" is strictly correct, but I hope you know what I mean. Starting from the top of my object "pyramid" I have a dynamic array of Beam objects each of which Beam object encloses a dynamic array of Segment objects. Each Segment object in turn encloses a SegmentShape object in addition to some other stuff.
i.e. Beam[i]->pSegment[j]->pSegmentShape where typically 5 < i < 10 and 3 < j < 100
For those who might be wondering: the CPP_Sequence *seq pointer is used to traverse a structured file containing the data required to "hydrate" my objects.
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class Segment{
float *mlcLeaves,cumulativeMU,deltaMU,mlcArea;
friend class Beam;
friend class SegmentShape;
SegmentShape *pSegmentShape;
Beam *parentBeam;
Segment(Beam *b2,int pairs); // additional constructor if no MLC found all 2*pairs leafs defined with position 0.0
Segment(Beam *b2, CPP_Sequence *seq);
void getArea();// calculate area of segment
void setCumulativeMU(CPP_Sequence *seq); // set cumulative MU for segment
void setDeltaMU(const int i); // set deltaMU for segment i.e. segment[i].cumulativeMU-segment[i-1].cumulativeMU : used to distinguish "step" and "shoot" segments
class SegmentShape{
friend class Beam;
friend class Segment;
float **value;
Beam *parentBeam; // link to "parent" beam object
int x,y;
SegmentShape(Beam *b2);
void setSegmentShape(Segment *seg);
Segment.cpp extract
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Segment::Segment(Beam *b2,CPP_Sequence *seq):mlcArea(0),parentBeam(b2),cumulativeMU(0),deltaMU(0){
int k;
char sBuff[32678];
std::cout << "In Segment constructor\n";
std::cout << "Parent Beam pointer = " << parentBeam << "\n";
mlcLeaves= new float[2*(parentBeam->leafPairs)];
for (k=0;k<2*(parentBeam->leafPairs);k++) mlcLeaves[k]=0.0;
// read in B and A leaves as 1D array 0 < k < leafPairs for B leaves and leafPairs < k < (2*leafPairs)-1 for A leaves
// std::cout <<"Leaf Positions: ";
mlcLeaves[0] = (float)atof(strtok(sBuff, "\\"));
// std::cout << mlcLeaves[0] <<"\\";
for (k=1;k<2*(parentBeam->leafPairs);k++){
mlcLeaves[k] = (float)atof(strtok(NULL, "\\"));
// std::cout << mlcLeaves[k]<<"\\";
// each Segment object has one SegmentShape object defined only AFTER mlc values have been read in
std::cout << "\nParent Beam pointer = " << parentBeam;
pSegmentShape=new SegmentShape(parentBeam);
SegmentShape.cpp extract
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SegmentShape::SegmentShape(Beam *b2):parentBeam(b2),x(b2->xjaw[1]- b2->xjaw[0]),
int m,l;
std::cout<<"\n\nIn SegmentShape constructor...\n";
std::cout << "Parent Beam pointer = " << parentBeam;
std::cout << "\nX = " << x << "\tY = " << y << "\n";
value =new float*[y];
std::cout << "\nNow trying to initialise each of " << y << " rows with " << x << " values ...\n";
for (m=0;m<y;m++){
value[m]=new float[x];
for (m=0,l=0;m<y,l<x;m++,l++) value[m][l]=0.0f;
std::cout << "\nDone!\n";
Firstly I can compile the program creating the necessary static library and link without problem.
As you can see I have inserted various comment lines to check that the correct pointer values are passed from Segment constructor to SegmentShape constructor, i.e. the values of x(210) and y(160) are correctly defined. However when trying to execute the loop at line 13 of
the program crashes producing the segmentation fault. Clearly I am doing something fundamentally wrong, but after several hours of code tinkering and head scratching am still no nearer a solution.
Extract from screen output
In Segment constructor
Parent Beam pointer = 0x806e4e8
In SegmentShape constructor...
Parent Beam pointer = 0x806e4e8
X = 210 Y = 160
Now trying to initialise each of 160 rows with 210 values ...
Segmentation fault
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and especially to those replying.