int vs long (long int)

Please, can someone make me clear in a very simple way what is the main difference between int alnd long (long integer)?

Many thanks!
Historically, long int was supposed to be longer than int.
"Longer" refers to how much memory is used.
The more memory is used, the higher the maximum values that can be stored.

Nowadays, to my knowledge, in Windows operating systems they are set to use the same amount of memory, which is 32 bits.

On Linux 32-bit (aka x86), they both use 32 bits.
On Linux 64-bit (aka x86-64), int uses 32 bits while long int uses 64 bits.
Maximum value.

Different integer types can hold different ranges of numbers.

For example, a signed char can hold values from -128 to 127.
Whereas an int can hold values from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

A long int is supposed to be bigger.

Here's the rub -- it might not be. C and C++ are notoriously vague about the actual sizes of its integer data types. The Standard only imposes a minimum range of values on them.

Currently, a lot of systems have an int and a long int as both 32-bit values. Alas.

Hope this helps.

[edit] Dang! Too slow again!
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If you fall back to old compilers like Borland C++ 3.1 or Turbo C++ for DOS you'll find that int is 16-bit and long is 32-bit.

Programming in C for 10 years I always felt the whole matter is somewhat misleading and makes program not quite portable. Later I switched to Java where these things are more strict. :)
If you fall back to old compilers like Borland C++ 3.1 or Turbo C++ for DOS you'll find that int is 16-bit and long is 32-bit.

If you go that far back, you might as well be hunting mammoths instead of programming.
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