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/* PROGRAM Enterprise Tractor Beam Egression Calculator
PLATFORM: Windows OS Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2012
This program will ask the user if a simulation should be run. Then, it will ask for altitude, fuel available, and the strength
of the tractor beam. If there is enough fuel for escape, the program will recommend escape immediately. If not, it will recommend shutting
off the engines and shoveling antimatter into the fuel cells. The simulation will run every minute until there is enough fuel to escape or until the altitude is 0
and the ship crashes. In either case, the program will display a minute by minute analysis of the data showing the result of the simulation. At the end, it
will ask to run another simulation.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
char y; // initializing yes or no characters for the choice to redo a simulation
char n;
char Y;
char N;
char choice;
const int SHOVEL = 10; // scotty's constant shovel speed
int altitude; // initializing my integer values
int fuel_available;
int fuel_required;
int beam_strength;
int minute; // the counter for how long a simulation is running
int main ()
cout << "Welcome to the Enterprise's Tractor Beam Egression Calculator!\n";
cout << "Would you like to run a simulation? Please enter (y)es or (n)o.\n";
cin >> choice;
if ( choice = 'y' || choice = 'Y' )
cout << "You entered (y)es!\n";
cout << "Please enter your altitude: ";
cin >> altitude;
else if ( choice = 'n' || choice = 'N' )
cout << "Program terminating...";
while ( choice =! y && choice =! Y && choice =! n && choice =! N ) // if yes then run a simulation, if no then notify of termination and quit.
cout << "Please enter (y)es or (n)o: \n";
cin >> choice;
while (altitude <= 0)
cout << "ERROR! Enter value greater than zero!\n"; // must be greater than 0, assume ship is flying
cin >> altitude;
cout << "Please enter your current fuel available: ";
cin >> fuel_available;
while (fuel_available < 0)
cout << "ERROR! Enter a value greater than zero!\n"; // must be greater than 0, assume ship is flying
cin >> fuel_available;
cout << "Please enter the strength of the tractor beam: ";
cin >> beam_strength;
while (beam_strength < 0)
cout << "ERROR! Enter a positive value: "; // must be greater than 0, assume tractor beam is being used
cin >> beam_strength;
fuel_required = ((1-altitude)/200000) * beam_strength; // fuel required calculation
if (fuel_required <= fuel_available)
cout << "\nMinute Counter\tCurrent Altitude\tCurrent Fuel Supply\tTractor Beam Strength\tFuel Required to Escape\n";
cout << "minute\taltitude\tfuel_available\tbeam_strength\tfuel_required";
cout << "Set engine to full throttle and escape!"; // escape if-then
cout << "Shut down engines, add antimatter to the fuel cells!\n"; // shut down engines, add fuel
fuel_available = fuel_available + SHOVEL; // adding 10 kg to fuel, then adding one minute
cout << "minute\taltitude\tfuel_available\tbeam_strength\tfuel_required";
while (fuel_available < fuel_required);
if (altitude <= 0)
cout << "The ship has crashed on the planet surface."; // if alt = 0, crash the ship
altitude = altitude - beam_strength * minute * minute; // altitude change function if not crashed, AND not escaped
return 0;