hi friends,
i was googling on a <ctype.h> inbuilt functions
and i stumbled upon an interesting sites with basic c++ tutorial as
well as lot of detail on in built functions
check it out here [link] http://hscripts.com/tutorials/cpp/index.php [/link]
please let me know about your reviews and opinions
C++ is one of the most used programming languages in the world. Also known as "C with Classes".
I clicked on a topic at random: exceptions. The exception mechanism was characterized as the "Error Handler System" in C++. The example was contrived, convoluted and won't compile in a modern compiler. The grammar is enough to make one cringe.
I concur with MiiNiPaa. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Both of you are true somewhat................
c++ is not ISO STD but what is our use of learning c++ if we cant correct them and get our use
this is not basic tutorial like here that of Juan Solie
it is next level when you know basic and want to focus on in-built func
I would definetly recommand this to others though it is error ridden
because nowhere i have found such useful next level tutorial that focuses on in built function
so my verdict is that if you are ready to get your hand dirty........
this site is not simple just copy paste and run
you have to work and change code and that way you will learn even more and better
it has nice tutorial on in built functions of common header file this is what is precisely lacking at cplusplus.com which is ultimate c++ site in world
1) Headers it uses is deprecated and can be removed or not supplied by compilers.
2) Functions it describes are itself should be never used in C++ now.
3) If you need guide for standard library, just use http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ http://en.cppreference.com/w/
That why I posted link to cppreference too. There is exaples almost for everything and both links have extensive documentation on each feature.
If you cannot read references, you do not need that manual either. It describes nethods which is outdated and should be not used in C++ code. Also it does not describes even single C++ header: good luck finding any help on containers, on algorithms, on function objects. There is much better guides on every aspect C++ than that.
Using that site will hamper your progress in learning C++, forcing you to learn almost useless function from useless headers