Need Help Starting Coding?

I want to start to learn coding, But i'm not sure what code language to learn first? The reason i want to start coding is because i want to make video games and sell them, and i really like learning new and cool stuff on computers. I herd it was good to learn other languages like jQuery,JavaScript,PHP,Python and Ruby, before starting C++ as it will be easier for me.

I found this website to help me with these types of coding.
And once i learn them i will learn c++ from this website, Just wondering is that a good idea to do?
And can someone give me a list in order of what i should learn first?

Thanks Locky99
I started out with Python as my first language. It was fun, entertaining, and easy to learn. It would depend on what type of game you are planning to make. A high end resolution geared towards graphics, or a 2d game, etc.. Python can handle 2d games no problem, and even 3d, but you are probably not going to be making the latest COD or Battlefield in Python. Then again, your first years programming, you wont be making anything spectacular either.

I would suggest learning Python first. As it gets your feet wet. Tells you whether you enjoy programming or not. Learn some basics that you can learn easily and transfer over to any other language. You can see quick programs pop out of Python as well, so you get a response from your programming immediately. However, others would suggest you learn a harder language first, c++. I disagree, if i started with c++, i would of given up a couple years ago, Python kept me wanting more and more. Python kept it fun. Then when i was ready, i started tampering into c++ as well.
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I absolutely agree with metulburr. The thing I want to add is that though Python has a completely different syntax to most other languages, it is very helpful in learning the concepts for programming, such as how to split a problem into its separate parts and work it out in logical steps. Just remember, if your aim is to make games, Python is probably not such a good choice. Certainly, you can probably code parts of the game in a language like Python, but once you start getting the CPU intensive parts of a game, you will find yourself needing to use things C++ (or even Assembly!). However, it is definitely a good idea to learn Python first, as metulburr pointed out.
YES! python for starting game development, i recommend you this book, easy to understand, explains first the concepts of programming and has very good explanation, ( and it's free :D )

Invent Your own computer games with python:
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my first language is C++ and was a little complicated. but I'm happy it was my first language. if you can master the fundamentals of C++, learning other languages is practically a breeze. I think it will teach you dedication and Hardwork. i'm starting to learn to program GUI's, if I had learned easier languages and then start to program a GUI I would have given up along time ago. sorry if this sounds messed up IM using Siri
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